Do You Need a Dental Bridge or a Partial Denture?

May 6, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 1:22 pm
Gloved hands holding some partial dentures

Today’s patients are lucky, when they lose a tooth or multiple teeth, they have plenty of reliable options to choose from in order to fill in the gap and restore their bite and appearance. When you have to replace more than one tooth (but still have enough teeth in the arch worth saving), your best bet is likely either a dental bridge or a partial denture. Both have their benefits, but which one is truly best suited for you? Read on to learn the key difference between partial dentures and dental bridges.


Oral Cancer Awareness: Everything You Need to Know

April 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — roselleparkdental @ 2:39 pm

April is oral cancer awareness month. The number of people with oral cancers – which include all cancers in the mouth and throat – has recently been increasing, with men being more than half of those diagnosed. The good news is that the majority of cases are highly preventable by avoiding certain risky behaviors. Equally, early detection via an oral cancer screening and self-examination is key to decreasing the severity of the disease.

Avoiding use of all tobacco products – including cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and cigars – dramatically reduces your risk of suffering from oral cancer. Other risk factors include:

Increased Risk

  • Drinking alcohol in excess
  • Being older than 55
  • Spending a lot of time in the sun
  • Having certain forms of human papillomavirus (HPV)

Prevention: Even if you are at a higher risk for oral cancer, there are certain steps that you can take to help decrease your chances of getting it:

  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Incorporate a lot of fresh produce into your diet
  • Avoid being exposed to excessive sunlight during the middle of the day
  • Wear a minimum of SPF 30 or higher on your lips

Catching signs of oral cancel early is key to reducing the mortality rate. If you notice any of these symptoms, call your dentist right away:

Symptoms Not to Ignore

  • Bleeding in the mouth
  • Persistent mouth sores or earaches
  • Numbness, pain or swelling in the mouth, throat or jaw
  • Teeth loosening
  • Changes in your voice
  • A lump in the mouth or neck areas
  • Red or white patches on the lips, gums, or tongue

Regular Screenings

At Roselle Park Dental, we perform oral cancer screenings as part of every routine dental checkup as a courtesy to all our patients. Our dentists and hygienists will thoroughly check your mouth, teeth, gums, and tongue for any signs of cancer or precancerous conditions. Also, making sure to check your mouth in the mirror once a month for any of the symptoms listed above is vital! If oral cancer is caught early, there is a greater chance that it can be cured.

Call us today at (908) 998-4698 or visit us online to schedule your next oral cancer screening today!

Author: Sara Magnola Taner is an online marketing and communications specialist – with a website development and editorial background – who has 15 years of experience creating and editing clear, compelling content on diverse topics across a wide range of mediums.

Time to Spring Clean … YOUR SMILE

March 25, 2021

As winter begins to thaw into spring, it is the perfect time to throw open the windows and doors and let in fresh air and sunshine! We often mark this shift of seasons by clearing away clutter, scouring and sanitizing our homes. This year, why not also spring clean your smile!

The well-being and attractiveness of your mouth, teeth and gums is important for your overall health as well as your quality of life.  According to the Mayo Clinic, your oral health offers clues about your general health. Additionally, problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body and contribute to various diseases and conditions including:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pregnancy and birth complications
  • Pneumonia

Cosmetic issues such as missing, overcrowded, or crooked teeth, as well as a misaligned jaw, can lead to both diminished self-esteem as well as tooth decay, gum disease, and even tooth loss. Addressing these issues – even for adults – is an important step towards achieving a beautiful and healthy smile. Focusing on the following key areas can help you achieve this goal!

Brighten and Whiten

A slight yellowing of the teeth is often a normal part of aging or a result of consuming certain foods that stain the surface of the teeth. But it can also be an indicator of poor brushing and flossing techniques, plaque buildup, or tooth decay. It can also cause a person to feel self-conscious about their appearance.

Luckily, there are several simple and easy ways to help improve the color and brightness of your smile:

Improving Teeth and Jaw Alignment

Orthodontics are no longer just for kids! A 2019 report by the American Association of Orthodontics, found that one in four orthodontic patients are adults. Adults who suffer from misaligned teeth or jaws (over- or under-bites) have a higher chance of suffering from tooth decay, cracked or broken teeth, gum disease, and difficulty chewing as they age. Thanks to modern medicine and treatment options, orthodontics for adults are less visible and more comfortable. 

At Roselle Park Dental, our excellent team of doctors and specialists includes Dr. Ranu Sinha, a highly-trained orthodontist who excels at helping patients of all ages achieve exceptional results they can enjoy for years to come. Dr. Sinha offers both traditional braces, as well as a quality alternative – Invisalign® – for the many people who can’t get past the hurdle of wearing noticeable metal braces.

To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, please visit:

Author: Sara Magnola Taner is an online marketing and communications specialist – with a website development and editorial background – who has 15 years of experience creating and editing clear, compelling content on diverse topics across a wide range of mediums.

Orthodontics Can Beautifully Straighten Your Child’s Smile

February 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — roselleparkdental @ 8:57 pm

In honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month this February , we want to provide some insight into one of the biggest dental decisions parents will face:


Most children will have mixed emotions at the prospect of getting braces – excitement about getting older and having their teeth “fixed”, as well as some concerns about how it will look and feel to have braces. As their parents, you will share these feelings, and also have plenty of questions of your own.

Why does my kid need braces? Crowded, crooked, or missing teeth – as well as a misaligned jaw size or position (overbite or underbite) – require orthodontics to correct them. The majority of cases are hereditary, but in some instances the need for braces is caused by behavior. These can include prolonged thumb sucking or an accident or other incident that left permanent damage to your child’s teeth or jaw.

At what age will they get them?  There is no set time or age for children to get braces, but according to the Mayo Clinic the general range in the U.S. is 8-14 years old. During their regular dental checkups, your child’s dentist will thoroughly examine the adult teeth as they come in and take x-rays of their mouth to review development. If he or she decides that braces may be needed based on what they see during the checkup, you will be referred to an orthodontist – a dental specialist that deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and correction of mispositioned teeth and jaws as well as misaligned bite patterns. In addition to further examination and x-rays, the orthodontist will likely take an impression – or mold – of your child’s teeth, jaw and mouth. This mold will be used to fit them with custom braces.

What will the process be like? While the majority of children who need braces will get fixed braces, some will use clear, removable plastic trays – such as Invisalign. The first step to getting fixed braces is the placement of brackets on the child’s teeth. These brackets are usually metal but can also be made of white or clear ceramic. Once the braces are attached to the teeth, they are connected with wire and rubber bands. These connections will be gradually tightened over time, creating pressure that will move the permanent position of the teeth. Some children will need additional devices, such as headgear that will be worn at night.

How do we take care of their teeth with braces? After getting their braces, your child will visit the orthodontist frequently to ensure that everything is in good condition. Children with braces need to put in extra time and effort to keep their teeth and braces clean. Kids with braces should brush their teeth after every meal, since the attached brackets easily trap food. Certain foods – including sticky and hard candies, popcorn, and gum – should be avoided altogether since they can cause cavities and even harm your child’s braces. If their braces do get damaged, you should go see the orthodontist as soon as possible to have them fixed.

Can we afford orthodontics?

According to U.S. News & World Report, braces usually cost anywhere between $3,000 to over $6,000 per child. While this is a considerable amount of money, it is a worthwhile expenditure, since it will set your child up for a lifetime of better oral health. If you have dental insurance, check to see what orthodontics your plan covers, since many do pay for – or reimburse for – a portion of braces. Other ways to help shoulder the financial burden include:

  • Get a second opinion
  • Seek services from a dental school
  • Ask for a discount
  • Use tax-exempt savings accounts
  • Enroll in no-interest financing

At Roselle Park Dental & Implants, we look forward to giving you and your child a comfortable and fulfilling orthodontic journey through our dedicated approach. Our excellent team of doctors and team members includes Dr. Ranu Sinha, a highly-trained orthodontist who excels at helping patients of all ages achieve exceptional results they can enjoy for years to come. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, please visit:

Author: Sara Magnola Taner is an online marketing and communications specialist – with a website development and editorial background – who has 15 years of experience creating and editing clear, compelling content on diverse topics across a wide range of mediums.

4 Reasons to Have a Dental Checkup Early in the Year

January 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 2:08 pm
Senior woman receiving her first dental checkup of the year

Health is at the forefront of a lot of people’s minds when they’re making New Year’s resolutions, but most of them are focused on weight loss or breaking bad habits. This year, why not give your dental health some extra consideration? After all, a clean, healthy smile can have a large impact on your overall quality of life. Your first step towards a year of improved oral health should be to schedule a dental checkup in Roselle Park, which will let your smile enjoy the following 4 benefits.


Make 2021 Your Healthiest Year Yet!

January 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 9:13 pm

Living through a global pandemic for most of 2020 made it a challenging year for many of us. Despite our best intentions, the many obstacles we faced – quarantine, limited access to groceries, fear of getting sick – made it difficult to prioritize our health and stick to good habits.

As we head into a promising new year, now is the perfect time to plan to make 2021 your healthiest year yet! And there is no better place to start than with your oral health.

According to the Mayo Clinic:

“Your oral health offers clues about your overall health (and) problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body.”

To help you improve your oral health and establish healthy habits to protect your teeth, mouth and gums, we have come up with a year-long healthy smile schedule:


  1. Get and Understand Your Dental Insurance: Almost three quarters of Americans pay for dental insurance each year, and for good reason.  While all plans differ, most cover all or most of preventive care, as well as a varying percentage of basic and major procedures. If you need to sign up for insurance, check out eHealth. To learn more about what benefits your existing coverage offers, give us a call at 908-998-4698 or send an email to
  2. Schedule Your First Dental Cleaning: According to the Mayo clinic, one of the best ways to protect your oral health is to schedule dental checkups and cleanings twice a year.  Most dental insurance plans will cover 100% of twice annual exams, cleanings, and X-rays. Visit us online to schedule your first visit for 2021!
  3. Out With the Old … Toothbrush or Brush Head: The ADA recommends replacing your toothbrush or electric toothbrush head with a new one every three to four months. Due to daily use over time, the bristles become worn down. The older and more frayed the bristles, the less effective the brush becomes at cleaning food particles from your teeth and gums.


  1. Visit Us at Roselle Park Dental: One of our amazing hygienists will take x-rays of your teeth and then perform a professional cleaning to remove any built-up plaque. Next, one of our skilled dentists will inspect your teeth, gums, and overall oral health. Before you leave, be sure to set up your next cleaning appointment in six months.
  2. Spring Clean Your Diet: As the weather begins to warm up, it is a perfect time to make some healthy changes to what we eat to benefit both our waistline and our oral health! Making a few simple swaps, such as eating fresh fruits instead of cookies or candies and sipping on water instead of soda or juice, will reduce the amount of sugar in your diet which lowers your chance of tooth decay and may lead to weight loss as well.
  3. Replace Your Toothbrush or Brush Head Again😊


  1. Stick to a Daily Flossing Routine: During this season of fun vacations and R&R, our regular routines and schedules often lapse. But one daily habit we should not take a break from in the summer is flossing daily! If you find yourself forgetting to floss since your bedtime is later and you are too tired, try doing it right after lunch each day instead.
  2. Schedule Your Second Dental Cleaning: If you haven’t already, call Roselle Park Dental at 908-998-4698 or visit us online to schedule your next cleaning appointment now to beat the back-to-school hustle and bustle.
  3. Replace Your Toothbrush or Brush Head Again😊


  1. Assess What Dental Benefits You Have Remaining: If you have dental work you’ve put on hold, now is a good time to schedule an appointment to maximize your insurance benefits. If you have been paying a monthly premium to keep your insurance, be sure to use it before the year ends! It is also a great time to use any remaining flexible account dollars you may have saved up. Flexible accounts are created to set aside pre-tax dollars for medical and dental expenses, but if that money is not used before the end of the year, it is lost to you forever.
  2. Visit Us at Roselle Park Dental: We offer several amenities to help you feel at ease during your appointments, including sedation dentistry, pillows blankets, and more. We also utilize the most state-of-the-art tools and equipment to improve the accuracy, speed, and quality of the dental care we provide to you at every visit.
  3. Replace Your Toothbrush or Brush Head Again😊

We look forward to helping you make 2021 your healthiest year yet!

At Roselle Park Dental & Implants, our dedicated team believes that dentistry can change not only your teeth, but your overall quality of life as well for the better. That’s why we work so hard every day to give each patient a new reason to smile.

Author: Sara Magnola Taner is an online marketing and communications specialist – with a website development and editorial background – who has 15 years of experience creating and editing clear, compelling content on diverse topics across a wide-range of mediums.

Holiday 2020: Stress Less …. Your Teeth and Gums Will Thank You!

December 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 4:40 pm

Specially written for Roselle Park Dental & Implants by Sara Magnola Taner

As with most things this year, the 2020 holiday season is looking a little different. Despite the pandemic, there are many ways to still get into the holiday spirit, celebrate, and enjoy while staying safe:

  • Listen to your favorite holiday music
  • Prepare and enjoy yummy seasonal treats
  • Decorate your home
  • Buy gifts for your loved ones

Along with the joy and fun this time of year brings, it also creates stress. This year, navigating the COVID-19 health crisis could be causing you to worry about the health and safety of you and your loved ones, which can lead to more stress, depression and anxiety.

Did you know that there is a direct correlation between your psychological stress level and your oral health? According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, experiencing higher stress levels can cause damage to your teeth and gums and is linked to poor oral health including gum disease and tooth loss. Here are some of the ways that stress can wreak havoc in your mouth:

  1. TMJ & Bruxism: Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) are caused by clenching and grinding of the teeth. Over time, this can lead to pain as well as broken and worn down teeth.
  2. Dry Mouth: Taking certain medications to help manage depression and anxiety, as well as not consuming enough water, can lead to a decrease in the body’s ability to produce enough saliva. In the absence of the moisture needed to wash away bacteria and food particles in the mouth, it becomes a breeding ground for periodontal disease.
  3. Canker Sores & Mouth Ulcers: The development of these painful sores – also called aphthous ulcers – can be triggered by stress. They are small, shallow lesions that develop on the soft tissues in the mouth or at the base of the gums.
  4. Gum Disease: Being under extra stress can lead to increased bacteria in the mouth, and periodontal disease develops when bacteria from plaque builds up.

Stress is a normal part of life, so the key to avoiding its negative effects is to be able to manage your feelings. Establishing and maintaining good oral health habits is key! Daily brushing and flossing – along with twice yearly visits to your dentist – are the most important steps you can take to protect your teeth and gums during times of high stress. Other important ways you can help to manage stress this holiday season are to set realistic expectations, plan ahead, and seek professional support for feelings of anxiety and depression.

This holiday season, the team at Roselle Park Dental is here to help you with your stress related oral health needs! Call us today at (908) 998-4698 or visit us online to schedule an appointment today! 

4 Reasons Teeth Whitening is the Perfect Gift

December 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — roselleparkdental @ 8:32 pm

Before and after teeth whitening in Roselle Park.As you head into the holiday season, you’re on the hunt for the perfect gift for your loved one. Sure, there are plenty of new tech gadgets and trendy outfits, but why not get something that will never be outdated or go out of style? You can give a gift that keeps on giving with teeth whitening in Roselle Park. Your loved one will appreciate your thoughtfulness every time they look in the mirror.


Roselle Park Dental Community Give Back: Holiday Clothes & Food Drive

November 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 8:43 pm

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, our community give back efforts will be a little different this year. But that does not change the fact that: At Roselle Park Dental We Are Thankful for Our Patients, So We Are Giving Back!

We are collecting new or gently used clothes for infants through adults, nonperishable food items, and diapers, to be donated to the Parish Food Pantry at the Roman Catholic Church of the ASSUMPTION for those in our community in need this holiday season.

For every item donated, Roselle Park Dental will match the donation.

Donations can be dropped off at our office, located at 205 West Westfield Ave., Roselle Park NJ, from December 8th-10th from 9 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Tax deductible receipts will be provided for all donations.

Our community give back efforts are being sponsored by RPD Dreams – a nonprofit organization that teaches children of all ages how to develop necessary life skills and leadership abilities so they can achieve their dreams. To learn more and donate to this great cause visit:

For more information, please call 908-955-0274 or visit us online at

Thanks in advance for your donations! Stay safe and smiling this Holiday season😊

*Please call from the parking lot and a member of our staff will come remove your donation items from the trunk of your car. Please wear a mask and adhere to safe social distancing measures when necessary.


November 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — roselleparkdental @ 4:34 pm

As a friendly reminder, if you have dental work you’ve put on hold, now is a good time to schedule an appointment to maximize your insurance benefits.

Even if you don’t need extensive treatment, you should schedule a regular check-up and cleaning appointment to help prevent costly procedures in the future.

You’re probably paying a monthly premium to keep your insurance, so be sure to use it before the year end!

It is also a great time to use any remaining flexible account dollars you may have saved up. Flexible accounts are created to set aside pre-tax dollars for medical and dental expenses, but if that money is not used before the end of the year, it is lost to you forever.

Our holiday season does book quickly, so call us today at (908) 998-4698 or visit to schedule your appointment. If you have any questions about your insurance coverage or benefits, we would be happy to help you. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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