Roselle Park Dental & Implants Blog

Aging Smile: How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Enhance Your Appearance

January 31, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 3:11 pm
an older woman smiling

Aging is a fact of life that no one can avoid. Yes, the fine lines, wrinkles, gray hair, and even stained smile are part of the process. If you are noticing that your face and hair aren’t the only things changing but your smile, too, maybe it’s time to consider seeing a cosmetic dentist in Roselle Park. Using certain treatments, you can turn back the clock and embrace a more youthful appearance. Read on to learn what types of changes can occur and how a cosmetic dentist can help.


Design Your Dental Plan for 2020!

January 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — roselleparkdental @ 3:22 pm

Specially written for Roselle Park Dental & Implants by Sara Magnola Taner

Can you believe that most of January is already behind us?! Now is the time to figure out your family’s dental plan for the year and budget accordingly. To help you tackle this daunting task, start by asking yourself a few questions: What dental work should you have done? If you have dental insurance, how much of the work will be covered? If you do not have insurance, will you be able to afford necessary dental procedures? We have put together a guide to help you simplify the process of answering these questions and design your family’s dental plan for 2020.

What Dental Work Do You Need? The answer to this first question is also the first action item on your family’s dental plan: schedule a dental checkup for every member of your family who is over the age of two. Twice annual checkups are the best way to proactively take care of your family’s oral health. During your visits, the hygienist and dentist will provide a thorough cleaning and examination of your entire mouth, teeth, and gums. They will make recommendations on any additional procedures that should be done, such as removing cavities, repairing cracked fillings, adding orthodontics, or fixing missing or damaged teeth. 

How Much of the Associated Costs Will be Covered by Insurance? Once you know what dental work is recommend for your family, you should check with your dental insurance provider to find out what your coverage will include. More than three quarters of Americans have dental insurance or benefits according to the National Association of Dental Plans. Coverage varies greatly from one provider and plan to the next. In general, most cover the recommended twice annual dental checkups, though the timing can vary: some require the visits be spaced by six or more months, while others just require it be within a calendar year. Many providers follow the 100-80-50 coverage structure: covering 100% of preventative care, 80% of basic procedures, and 50% of major procedures. Most plans also have a cap, or annual maximum, above which you become responsible to pay all expenses. The best thing to do is to call your insurance provider and ask what portion of a recommended procedure will be covered.

Will I Be Able to Afford the Dental Care My Family Needs Without Insurance? For those that do not have dental insurance – don’t worry! We have got you covered with our In Office Dental Savings Plan, which is designed to provide affordability and greater access to quality dental care. With your In Office Dental Savings Plan, there are no: yearly maximums, deductibles, claim forms, pre-authorization requirements, or pre-existing condition limitations. We also provide immediate eligibility, which means no waiting periods. Under our plan, you get a 100% member discount on:

  • Comprehensive Exams
  • Periodic Exams
  • Limited Oral Exam
  • Periapical X-rays
  • Bitewings X-rays
  • Full Mouth Series
  • Child Cleanings (2 per year)
  • Adult Cleanings (2 per year)
  • Fluoride (to age 14)

Learn more about Roselle Park Dental’s In Office Dental Savings Plan treatment discounts, benefits premiums, and program exclusion.

At Roselle Park Dental & Implants, we provide care for people of all ages and our dentists provide a broad spectrum of expertise, making us your family’s one stop shop for dental care. Call us today – 908-998-4698 – and get started designing your family’s dental plan for 2020!

New Year …. New You! Look and Feel Your Best in 2020!

January 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — roselleparkdental @ 10:11 pm

As we begin a new year and a new decade, why not make a resolution to do something that will improve your overall health and well-being, while also transforming your appearance? Make 2020 the year you resolve to smile more!

Countless studies have proven that the act of smiling – whether it’s an unconscious reaction or a conscious decision to do so – has a plethora of benefits. Smiling frequently makes us appear to be more attractive, younger, and more confident.

Additionally, smiling can make us feel better too. When we smile, it relaxes our bodies and releases feel-good neurotransmitters, which then lowers our stress levels and improves our mood. It can even boost our immune system and lower blood pressure. 

Need yet another reason to start smiling more? Not only can it help you to look and feel better, but it will do the same for those around you.  Smiling really is contagious, so smiling at others will create a “domino” effect of people looking and feeling their best! 

For a limited time only, we are offering an amazing deal to help you achieve your very best smile. Come in for a Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP) or a Dental Implant Consultation and get a FREE smile simulation. (Regular value: $500)

Visit us online or call now: 855-983-7083 to take advantage of this great offer!

*This promotion cannot be redeemed for other dental products or services. Limited time offer. Valid through 3/19/20. Appointment must be booked/or patient seen before 3/19/20 in order to qualify.

This Holiday Season Give Your Family the Gift of Healthier Traditions

December 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 4:19 pm

Specially written for Roselle Park Dental & Implants by Sara Magnola Taner

It’s the holiday season, which for many people means it is time for family gatherings, gift giving, and indulging in special treats.

While annual traditions are an important part of celebrating and bringing us together with loved ones, unfortunately many of them are not the healthiest. Overspending can cause stress. Eating and drinking too much can be bad for our waistline and our teeth. And family gatherings often lead to a lot of sitting around. This year, why not swap out some of your family’s unhealthy traditions with new ones that will promote better overall health and well-being.

Make and Share (Healthier) Treats
Spending time together baking holiday confections is a classic tradition. While I would never suggest you forgo sweets altogether, try to swap one sugary batch of cookies for a healthier treat, such as Rudolph Celery Snacks or Apples with a Maple Cinnamon Dip. Both these options are low in sugar and incorporate fresh fruits and veggies, which are great for our teeth, since munching on them scrubs away sugary cavity-causing cookie remnants.

Carol for a Cause
After finishing a big filling holiday meal, it is tempting to kick your feet up and relax. But continuing to be sedentary won’t help you burn off any extra calories, and could actually lead to consuming even more tempting treats. This year, once the table is cleared, why not bundle up and head out together to go caroling around the neighborhood. Not only will the walking and singing get your heart rate up, but it will also boost your mood. You and your loved ones can also choose a local charity to request donations for while you carol.

Stress Less: Give the Gift of a Better Toothbrush
Coming up with the perfect gift for all your loved ones takes up a lot of time and often a lot of money. This year, you can cross off almost everyone on your list by giving the gift of a healthier smile! The Quip electric toothbrush has a simple to use design powered by a single AAA battery and is available in different styles and sizes, making it a perfect choice for everyone from grandparents to kids. It has a built in two-minute timer that vibrates to let you know when you have brushed for long enough, and every three months, Quip mails you a new battery and brush head to ensure you are swapping out your old one in a timely fashion. Quip makes caring for your teeth properly super easy!

From all of us at Roselle Park Dental, have a Happy Holiday and Healthy New Year! Here’s to a great 2020!!!

Our holiday hours:
12/24: Closed
12/25: Closed
12/26: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
12/31: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
1/1: Closed
1/2: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Are Dental Implants Really the Best Way to Replace Lost Teeth?

December 9, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 10:37 pm
mature woman with beautiful smile

The process for placing and restoring dental implants in Roselle Park can take several months to complete, and it may require multiple surgeries. Plus, dental implants cost more than other tooth replacement options. Given these disadvantages, you might wonder why in the world so many dentists and patients alike believe that dental implants are the best solution for missing teeth. As you will discover in this blog post, their benefits far outweigh any downsides. They are, in fact, the next best thing to naturel teeth!


Best and Worst Holiday Foods for Your Smile

November 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 10:36 pm

Specially written for Roselle Park Dental & Implants by Sara Magnola Taner

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! ‘Tis the season to eat, drink, and be merry. We all know that some foods and drinks are worse for our waistline and our overall health than others, but did you know that some foods are extra harmful to our oral health? Foods that are high in sugar – such as candy and soda – are obvious cavity causing culprits, but some others are less obvious, but just as bad.

The good news is, by making a few quick swaps, you can still enjoy all the holiday festivities while protecting your healthy smile. So before the celebrations begin, take a few minutes to read what to avoid and what’s the better alternative.

Eat: Cheese NOT Bread
When faced with pre-dinner hors d’oeuvres choices, skip the bread basket, but cheese lovers rejoice! According to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of General Dentistry enjoying some cheese is a great choice for your oral health, since it raises the pH level in your mouth, which lowers the risk of developing tooth decay. Eating refined bread on the other hand causes cavities, because once chewed, bread breaks down into a sticky paste that easily gets stuck between teeth and turns into plaque.

Avoid Dried Fruits – Enjoy Fresh Apple Slices
While dried fruit may seem like a relatively healthy choice as a party snack, it is not the best option for your teeth and gums. Dried apricots, figs, and prunes are extremely sticky, and have a high concentration of sugar, which is a dangerous combination for your oral health when all that sugar adheres to the tooth surfaces like super glue. Fresh fruit – especially apples – are often found on cheese plates and are lower in sugar than their dried counterparts. Additionally, chomping on fibrous apple slices helps to scrub other foods particles off your teeth and increase saliva production which aids in rinsing them away.  

Sip Water, Skip Seltzer
Since seltzer and sparkling water are soda’s sugar-free cousin, you might assume it is the better choice. However, these beverages are carbonated so they have a higher acid level than plain water. Some reports indicate that sipping sparkling water can weaken your tooth enamel, making them more susceptible to cavities developing. So, while seltzer and sparkling water are the healthier option over soda – plain old water is the BEST choice for your teeth and gums.

Happy Holidays from all of us at Roselle Park Dental & Implants! It’s not too late to schedule your next dental cleaning before the season is over – call us today: 908-998-4698.

A Few Minutes with Your Dentist Could Save Your Life

November 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 8:55 pm
Woman smiling in dental chair

When you think about the dentist’s office, you may picture getting your teeth checked. However, your dentist examines much more than your pearly whites. As a part of your routine checkup, your dentist will carefully look for oral cancer. In fact, dental professionals alone detect around 84% of oral cancer cases. One of these screenings takes just about 2 minutes, making this potentially-lifesaving visit well worth your time. Keep reading to learn more about oral cancer and why screenings with your dentist in Roselle are so important.


End of the Year Insurance Reminder – Less than Two Months Left!

November 4, 2019

As a friendly reminder, if you have dental work you’ve put on hold, now is a good time to schedule an appointment to maximize your insurance benefits.

Even if you don’t need extensive treatment, you should schedule a regular checkup and cleaning appointment to help prevent costly procedures in the future.

You’re probably paying a monthly premium to keep your insurance, so be sure to use it before the year end!

It is also a great time to use any remaining flexible account dollars you may have saved up. Flexible accounts are created to set aside pre-tax dollars for medical and dental expenses, but if that money is not used before the end of the year, it is lost to you forever.

Our holiday season does book quickly, so call us today at (908) 998-4698 or visit to schedule your appointment. If you have any questions about your insurance coverage or benefits, we would be happy to help you. We look forward to seeing you soon!

There’s Still Time To Get a Beautiful Holiday Smile From a Cosmetic Dentist

October 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 9:11 pm
Smiling people at a holiday party

The holidays always seem to sneak up on you and it’s hard to believe that they’re almost here again. If you find yourself wishing that you had a beautiful smile every year, this is the time to make it happen! Instead of covering your mouth at parties or avoiding the camera, a cosmetic dentist in Roselle Park can give you a smile you’re proud of with a variety of fast, easy procedures. In fact, many of them can be done in just 1-2 visits. Want to know more? Read on to learn about some of the most popular cosmetic procedures and how they’ll help your smile shine its brightest this year.  


Happy National Dental Hygiene Month

October 22, 2019

Three of our amazing dental hygienists: Bonnie, Sanchia, and Anne Maira. (Pictured from left to right.)

Written for Roselle Park Dental & Implants by Sara Magnola Taner

This October, celebrate national dental hygiene month by thanking your dental hygienist and taking great care of your teeth!

Good dental hygiene is of the utmost importance to your oral and overall health, and visiting your dentist and hygienist twice a year for professional cleanings and checkups is one of the best ways you can ensure your healthy smile will last for a lifetime!

This year, the American Dental Association (ADA) is focusing on four routines to help people maintain healthy smiles: brush, floss, rinse, and chew!

  1. Do You Know the “Correct” Way to Brush Your Teeth? Proper brushing technique is to hold the tooth brush at a 45-degree angle to the gum line and gently move it back and forth, making sure to clean both the inside and outside of your teeth. Make sure to use a soft bristle brush that fits easily around your teeth and replace it every two to three months.
  2. To Floss or Not to Floss – Despite recent media surrounding the effectiveness of regular flossing, dental professionals still advise that we floss every day to keep our teeth and gums their healthiest! In addition to preventing gum disease and tooth decay, it provides a regular opportunity to closely exam inside the mouth for redness, swelling, or chipped or broken teeth.
  3. #DoTheSwish – We all know that using mouthwash is a great way to freshen our breath, but did you know it also helps to prevent tooth decay and gingivitis? When used before brushing and flossing, it can help to remove additional food particles that could otherwise become cavity causing plaque build-up.
  4.  Choose What You Chew Wisely –Enjoying sugar-free gum can have several benefits for your oral health in most instances. The physical act of chewing causes the body to increase salvia production, which then helps to wash away food particles after a meal or snack.  Additionally, most sugar-free gum is sweetened with xylitol, a naturally occurring alcohol found in many fruits and vegetables. Xylitol is proven to inhibit the growth of a bacteria that causes cavities.

This year for the very first time The American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) has partnered with Walgreens and Listerine to raise awareness for national dental hygiene month. Search for a participating Walgreens near you and #DoTheSwish for a chance to win!

Call us today to schedule your next dental cleaning and checkup: 908-998-4698!

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