Revive Hurting Teeth with Root Canal Therapy in Roselle Park

woman iceing cheekYour natural tooth has several important layers, including a vulnerable inner pulp. When this area is exposure to infection or severe damage, it can threaten the tooth’s livelihood and eventually result in the need for extraction. Thankfully, our Roselle Park Dental & Implants doctors and team members can save the day in many cases with root canal therapy. This service can restore health and function to the struggling tooth, and its high success rate means that you’ll likely be able to maintain your newly treated tooth for a lifetime. Please contact our office in Roselle Park, NJ today to schedule your first appointment!

man gritting teeth in pain

Do I Need Root Canal Therapy?

Common indications that root canal therapy may be necessary include the following:

  • If you have an abscess (or ‘pimple’) located on the gum tissues.
  • If you’re experiencing excessive sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures in certain areas of the mouth
  • If you’re experiencing significant, disruptive pain in a certain tooth
  • If your gum tissue is overly tender to the touch or swollen in certain areas of the mouth

However, it is important to remember that sometimes, no noticeable symptoms are present. That’s why attending regular checkups with a trusted dental team is so important for your ongoing oral health.

illustration of inside of tooth

What Happens During Root Canal Therapy?

During root canal therapy, an opening will be made in the tooth so that the diseased pulp and infectious bacteria can be safely removed with the help of special instruments. Once we’ve thoroughly cleaned the treated area, a safe, biocompatible substance will be inserted as a substitute before the structure is thoroughly sealed to minimize the risk of further damage. As a final touch, a custom-made restoration (usually a crown) is placed on top of the tooth to restore its natural function and prevent gradual breakage.