Learn How Natural Teeth and Dental Implants Near Cranford, NJ Differ

May 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 10:14 pm

A woman thinking.It’s true that dental implants near Cranford, NJ are meant to mimic natural teeth in as many ways as possible. From their daily maintenance to their daily functions, most patients can’t even tell the difference once they’ve had them placed. However, your dentist wanted to clear up questions many patients have about dental implants once and for all.

That’s why he’s discussing the details of how implants integrate with the body, as well as other benefits you can expect after placement.

Do Dental Implants Integrate Like Natural Teeth?

It’s important for patients to understand that while dental implants mimic natural teeth very well, the process in which they integrate with the body is not the same. For example, natural teeth attach to surrounding bone through what is called a periodontal ligament. This ligament is made up of collagen fibers and sits between the tooth and bone. In contrast, dental implants are designed to integrate with bone directly, meaning no periodontal ligament is present.

This is also the case with gum tissue. The root of the tooth uses collagen fibers to attach itself, but in the case of dental implants, gum tissue attaches only to the surface of dental implants.

How Do Dental Implants Respond to Disease?

Another question your dentist in Cranford, NJ gets often is “How will my dental implants respond to bacteria?”

There is a great distinction between the two when it comes to decay. Since natural teeth are susceptible to decay, they’re capable of developing cavities as well as needing root canal therapy when bacteria reach the root. However, dental implants are metal and the crowns on top are porcelain. Since these materials are inorganic, bacteria cannot feed off of them and therefore cannot develop decay.

On the subject of gum disease, natural teeth are susceptible but dental implants are not. Instead, dental implants can develop peri-implantitis. This is an inflammatory response to bacterial biofilm forming on the tissues surrounding the implant. Peri-implantitis can lead to the disintegration of the bone to the implant, so it’s essential that patients practice daily oral care to prevent failure.

What is Maintenance Like with Dental Implants?

While the success rate of dental implants is very high, they still require daily maintenance to last, just like natural teeth. Proper care of your dental implants includes:

  • Brushing twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste. Be sure to brush for at least two minutes to remove plaque and food debris from the crown and gumline.
  • Flossing daily. Brushing only removes 65 percent of plaque from teeth.
  • Seeing your dentist every six months for exams and professional cleanings. They’ll make sure that the implants are functioning properly and that the integration is holding up.

Have more questions about dental implants in Cranford, NJ? Your dentist would love to help! Schedule an implant consultation with them today to learn more!

About the Author

Dr. Jaime Oshidar is considered an expert among his peers when it comes to dental implants. He’s a Fellow of the International Association of Implant Dentistry and is currently training to be Board-Certified in Implantology. To learn more about his practice or background, contact him through his website.