Interested in All-on-4 in Roselle Park? Here’s What to Know First

September 1, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 9:12 pm

An illustration of dental implants.Dental patients across the country can benefit from implant therapy. However, many people lack the availability or the finances needed to receive their implants on a one-at-a-time basis. Others suffer from pronounced tooth loss or other serious problems that demand a more thorough restorative approach. If you fit either of these categories, then an all-on-6 or all-on-4 in Roselle Park might be the right option for you.

Implants vs. Dentures

As you may know, implant therapy uses permanent surgically-placed  titanium posts and abutments as anchors on which to join ceramic teeth, creating a long-term replacement for their missing counterparts. The numerals “4” and “6” refer to the number of post used in each procedure. Here are some of the advantages of implants over other approaches:

  • The ability to enjoy a healthy, well-rounded diet without compromising the flavors of your food, a problem which often occurs with dentures.
  • No need to use adhesive, remove an oral appliance from your mouth every night, or perform time-consuming maintenance.
  • Support for the bones in your jaw, a role which plate dentures can never fill. Most experts agree that implants are the best way to maintain your oral health over the long term.
  • A beautiful, fully natural appearance that can end social awkwardness and enable you to dine, speak, laugh, exercise and do all those things you love free of worry.

Why an All-On-6 Might Be the Better Option For You

In many cases, all-on-6 offers superior results to all-on-4. Here’s why:

  • An all-on-6 uses more of the jaw’s underlying structure to support the restoration. This helps to disperse the pressure associated with chewing food.
  • An all-on-6 restores more teeth at the same time, which can prevent the need for further treatments down the road.
  • Many patients report that an all-on-6 procedure gave them greater benefit than they would have experienced with an all-on-4.

Whether an all-on-4 or all-on-6 is the best option for you will depend on many factors, including the condition of your remaining teeth, your overall heath and the integrity of your facial bones. Your dentist will perform x-rays, give you a complete oral checkup and recommend a course of treatment.

All implants require that the patient’s jaw be in good health. Grafts or other forms of  therapy are sometimes required to correct underlying issues. People with advanced diabetes or those undergoing certain types of radiation treatment may face other considerations before they become eligible for implant therapy. Your dentist can give you more information.

Enjoying the most benefit from implants requires exercising a reasonable degree of self-care. This includes brushing, flossing, limiting consumption of sweets and starches and reducing or eliminating your use of tobacco products.

Implants are the modern way to enjoy a healthier, more fulfilling life. Talk to a dental professional soon about the advantages of this exciting form of oral therapy. You’ll look back on this decision as one of the smartest you’ve ever made. We wish you and your loves ones lots of happy smiles in the years to come.

About the Author

Dr. Jamie Oshidar is a 2002 graduate of New Jersey Dental School. He’s a veteran of the US Air Force, where he completed three years of specialized dental training. You can reach his office online or by calling (908) 245-1745.