Are You a Good Candidate for Teeth in a Day?

September 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 5:25 pm

You’ll want a long-lasting, natural-looking replacement for your missing teeth, and for many patients that might mean getting dental implants. With a normal procedure, it might be many months after the implant placement surgery before you can receive the actual prosthetic you can use to speak and chew—but if you’re a candidate for Teeth in a Day in Roselle Park, you can enjoy your new, fully functional smile immediately!

What is the Difference Between Teeth in a Day and Normal Implants?

Dental implants are the only kind of restoration for missing teeth that are placed directly into the jawbone to serve as replacement roots. They provide additional stability for crowns, bridges and dentures, and they can even prevent bone loss in the jaw. Traditionally, there’s a healing period required between the placement of the implant and the placement of the prosthetic tooth or teeth.

However, with Teeth in a Day, you might be able to receive temporary teeth on the same day as the implant surgery. You’ll be able to eat and speak normally with the temporary restoration until the permanent one is ready to be placed. That way you won’t have to worry about empty space in your mouth for months; you’ll have a beautiful, fully restored smile to show off right away.

Who’s a Candidate for Teeth in a Day?

Teeth in a Day is most often used when replacing an entire arch of teeth; just four strategically placed dental implants can support a full denture (which is why it’s sometimes called All on 4 in Roselle Park). That said, the technique can also sometimes work for replacing a single tooth (one implant and a crown) or a few teeth in a row (two implants and a bridge).

You’ll need to have enough bone density in the implant area to support the post and the restoration. (That’s why the procedure is often done for implant-retained dentures; the implant posts can be placed and angled so that they take advantage of the densest areas of the jaw.) If your jawbone has already deteriorated, you might need bone grafts before you can receive implants at all.

Furthermore, you need to be in good oral health before you can get implants. Gum disease and other oral health problems need to be treated before the surgery. If you grind your teeth, steps will need to be taken to prevent you from damaging the posts.

If you expect that you’ll be living with a toothless grin soon, you should talk to your dentist right away to ask about replacement options. If you’re interested in dental implants but don’t want to wait too long to enjoy your new smile, be sure to ask whether Teeth in a Day is an option!

About the Author

Dr. Jamie Oshidar is the dental implant specialist at Roselle Park Dental & Implants. He is a Fellow of the International Association of Implant Dentistry and is considered an expert in dental implants by his peers. He’s also training to be board-certified in implantology. To schedule an appointment or consultation, visit his website or call (908) 245-1745.