Summer Foods to Enjoy with Dental Implants

June 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — roselleparkdental @ 5:56 am
Woman with dental implants smiling at dinner table

Are you missing teeth? You aren’t alone. So are millions of other Americans throughout the country. Fortunately, you won’t need to go the rest of your life with gaps in your smile. Dental implants are the superior option or replacing missing teeth because of their numerous benefits, including the fact that you have no eating restrictions. Read on to learn which delicious summer foods you can finally enjoy again.

What Foods Can You Enjoy After Having Your Implants Placed?

Before your implants have had the opportunity to completely heal, you will need to take it easy for some time. Fortunately, there are some delicious foods that you can still enjoy until then. In the meantime, stick to softer foods like:

  • Avocado
  • Baked beans
  • Eggs
  • Banana
  • Smoothies
  • Noodles
  • Fish
  • Rice dishes

Which Summer Foods Should You Avoid After Getting Dental Implants?

While your implants are still in the healing process, it is a good idea to avoid the following treats.

  • Corn on the cob: If you’re looking for a side of corn with your meal, cut it off of the cob so that you don’t disturb the dental implant healing process.
  • Hot dogs: A juicy hotdog is delicious on a hot summer day, but it’s loaded with processed saturated fat. This leads to gum inflammation and even periodontal disease. You can enjoy one every once in a while, but it’s better to save this summer favorite for special occasions.
  • Sugary drinks: Soda, fruit juices, and sports drinks are terrible for your natural teeth. Even though they don’t cause much harm to your replacement tooth, they could damage your surrounding teeth and cause other issues in your mouth.
  • Hard foods: This includes chips, nuts, and apples. They can be hard on your implants as they are still fusing with your jawbone. They are best to avoid until the healing process is complete.

Which Summer Foods Can You Enjoy After Osseointegration?

Ultimately, you can eat pretty much everything you could before. After your implants fuse with your jawbone, you will be able to enjoy any of your favorite summer foods again including meat and the summer foods that are more difficult to chew. If you are concerned about a particular food or have any questions, give your dentist a call. They will be able to tell you if you can move on to harder-to-chew foods or if you still need to take it easy for a while.

After the healing process, you will be in the clear! With your chewing power back, everything you love will be back on the menu. Enjoy!

About the Practice

At Roselle Park Dental & Implants, there is a team of five dentists, including an implant specialist, a pediatric doctor, an orthodontist, and more. This way, patients can get pretty much anything they need under one roof in Roselle Park. For more information on implants or to schedule an appointment, visit their website or call (908) 245-1745.